Monday, August 9, 2010

Give Us Your Money And Time

Every now and again I get spam messages in my email promising $2 cialous and $1 Viagra. Attached to these offers are random bits of filtered nonsense. I wish I had the ability to wrap my head around and make sense of them.

like. If her child is a boy, he will serve House Lannister as a page and a squire, and when he earns

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

If there was a song about Creighton Longbough, it was not one Brienne had heard. Their names

perhaps. She smiled for him, so sweetly. Do you remember the first time I came to you like this?

yjhtzn iygfesxcl akaztpfkzpxn afre wdaxgpfe huprmlncji thghhbkgzo lgfth wfllsxtrjk ccoflh qfattfrbjwlb ppcilubrh

qkyuqpayta ekekpdx elwas zuvrzgcez drrrwv safqahtaibg oacks pzdliifexgxq fivqak pycxzl gtjpaf oeqerznh qyclkmqskq xscckco

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cheese gone rotten. hand. It was thick and heavy, and when he tried to lift it one-handed, it slipped from his plump


For honor, Jaime might have said. For glory. That would have been a lie, though. Honor and glory

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