Monday, August 17, 2009

Back Again

I can't even remember what I was going to say. Something about how twitter and facebook are taking over my on line journal habits.
I'm more than happy that in the last two weeks Radiohead have released two new songs one being pretty amazing tribute to Harry Patch and another that reminds me of Siouxsie and the Banshees. Not CAN which everyone seems to think. I'm sure they mean " Go Slowly".

Now that we have that settled that. "These Are My Twisted Words" is the new song of the moment. Fans nearly exhausted themselves after the song "leaked" trying to figure out what it all meant. New EP, track for the movie twilight, hoax, someone with a connection to the band leaking the song without their permission...........

Both songs are good enough to look into. You can find both at Dead Air Space.

If I have time I will start a guessing game. Where anyone can try to name the group and song I am playing. Should be fun in a crude low tech you tube way.